Welcome to Fondren Kids! On Sundays, it's our goal to provide a safe, fun, and welcoming environment for both kids and parents where they receive age-appropriate gospel foundations.

Throughout the week, we want to be a part of your family's life and help equip and resource you throughout the unique phases of parenting.

Ready for a Sunday Visit?

We understand that the first time visiting a new church can be stressful. Just like a new school, there’s some info we’ll need to know about your kids in order to give them a great experience and keep them safe in the process.

To save you time on your first Sunday with us, register your kids ahead of time! We’ll have them checked in and ready to give your family a great Sunday experience.

​We offer kids groups based on ages.

Children eight weeks to one year old will be prayed over, loved on, and cared for.

Children two years to five years old will have a similar experience to the adults including music, teaching, but will have snacks and an activity as well. The little KiDS will also break up into KiDS Groups to further build relationships and connect the story time to everyday life.

​Children in kindergarten through fifth grade can check in on the first or second floor and will have their own age-appropriate music, teaching, and activities. The BIG KiDS will also experience their our KiD Group time. After the service parents can pick up their children using the staircase located outside of the Worship Center. If you have a child with special needs, we'd love for your child to be a part of our faith family. Please contact us directly to ensure we can provide the best care to your child. .

If you have any questions about Kids Ministry, please don't hesitate to contact us.



As we expand and make room for new families to join our church, we are looking to grow our team of volunteers. We invite you to help us continue to provide a meaningful, fun, and safe environment for our kids each Sunday and Wednesday as they experience and learn about a life-transforming relationship with Jesus!

Are you ready to impact the next generation for Christ? There are many areas to get involved in, from the Hospitality & Check-In Desk, classroom, teachers, Kids Praise, and more!

Kids Baptism

Is your child ready for public declaration of faith? If so, we want to celebrate with you and your family.

At Fondren Church, we are constantly working to equip and empower parents to make their homes a place of discipleship. One of the ways that we do this is by celebrating the natural milestones in your family life and then helping to equip you for the next stage in the development of your family.

Whenever you, as a parent, begin to wonder if your child is ready to become a Christian and, as a step of obedience, get baptized, we recommend that you attend one of our Kids Baptism Classes (Milestone 3) addressing the question, “How do I know when my child is ready to become a Christian and be baptized?”

Then, when the time is right, let us know that your child has made a personal decision to follow Jesus and would like to be baptized, and we will set up a time to get together. Then, we can schedule a baptism in one of our Sunday morning services.


Child Dedication

We’ll celebrate a special tradition for families at Fondren Church. Families will dedicate their children to the Lord and make a commitment to raise their kids to know and follow Jesus.

If you’re interested in dedicating a child, please email susan.green@fondrenchurch.com

Have Questions?

Preschool Minister

Have questions?


Elementary Minister
