April 3, 2022: "Ask the Father" - Robert Green






Reflect on our study in the book of James. What has been most helpful to you? What has been most challenging? How has the Lord worked in your life over the last several weeks?

How do you view prayer? Is it important to you? Is it hard for you?

How often do you pray and what do you pray for the most?


Read James 5:16-18 and 1 Kings 18:42-45

Elijah prayed specifically for something. Robert said, “If our prayers are vague, then the answers to those prayers will be equally vague.” What do you think of that?

Why is it important to be persistent in our prayers? Read 1 Kings 18:43 and Luke 11:5-13. How does this shape your prayers.

When we pray we should pray expectantly. How can you align your expectations in prayer with God’s will and how He reveals Himself in Scripture? In light of that, are you willing to let God cultivate your faith?


Share with your group what you’re praying for. How are you praying specifically, persistently and expectantly? Share what you want to see the Lord do.

Spend time praying with and for each one other. Lift each other’s requests to God. Keep track this week of each other’s prayer requests, check in with them and pray several times together this week.

This week’s memory verse is 1 Peter 1:3. Spend time with your family and group learning it together.